I have checked my PHP init file ( php.ini
) and display_errors
is set and also error reporting is E_ALL
(我检查了我的PHP初始化文件( php.ini
(我已经重新启动了Apache Web服务器。)
I have even put these lines at the top of my script, and it doesn't even catch simple parse errors.
For example, I declare variables with a"$"
and I don't close statements ";"
But all my scripts show a blank page on these errors, but I want to actually see the errors in my browser output.(但是我所有的脚本都显示关于这些错误的空白页面,但是我想在浏览器输出中实际看到这些错误 。)
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
What is left to do?
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