Please think we have a method called AddArr that takes an array and several values and adds those values to the array.
like this
c# code
public static void AddArr(string[] nums, params string[] n)
string[] l = new string[nums.Length + n.Length];
int j;
for (j = 0; j < nums.Length; j++)
l[j] = nums[j];
for (int h = 0; h < n.Length; h++, j++)
l[j] = n[h];
Array.Resize(ref nums, l.Length);
for (int f = 0; f < nums.Length; f++)
nums[f] = l[f];
but for line 13
Array.Resize(ref nums, l.Length);
it only resize string[]nums the entry parameter of method an it isn't resize the real Array for E.g please think we have a program like this
string[] names = new string[3] { "Parsa", "Nikan", "Neda" };
AddArr(names, "Alex");
foreach (var val in names)
after running program you can see the output is
Alex name has not been added to the array
if you set a break point in the Method you can see after compiling line 13 of method the the nums(parameter in the method) It is resized but when the compiling of method was end you can see names(the Array) wasn't resized but I was able to fix this problem myself by writing code in the Main method but I want to write this code in a separate method and I do not want to use lists
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