I made a function that change the text inside a DIV and update the text after delay and few seconds. This animation works nice but i want to repeat it endless. I have tried this with adding setTimeout but this only loads the first var change. Can somebody advice me what is going wrong?
// After adding this the function loops once
}, 10);
function transition_updated() {
// Set the ID where it's need to change the text
$("#post-change-transition").delay(2000).animate({opacity:0 }, function() {
var publishedText = $('.transition-published').html();
var updatedText = $('.transition-updated').html();
$(this).text(publishedText).animate({opacity:1},1000, function(){
$(this).delay(2000).animate({opacity:0},1000, function(){
$(this).text(updatedText).animate({opacity:1}, 1000, function(){});
// Without this part the function loops three times
// After adding this part this will only loop once
}, 10);
// Init function
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65870302/jquery-function-animate-with-settimeout-is-running-once