I have a table that lists players of a game and the history of their level changes within the game (beginner, intermediate, advanced, elite, pro). I am trying to build a query that will accurately identify people who reached a level of advanced or higher for the first time so far in 2021 (it is possible for players to skip ranks, so I want the earliest date that they reached either he advanced, elite, or pro levels). I'm currently using this query:
SELECT p."ID", ra."NewRank", MIN(ra."EffectiveDate") AS "first_time_adv"
FROM rankachievement ra
JOIN player p
ON ra."ID" = p."ID"
WHERE ra."NewRank" IN ('Advanced',
GROUP BY 1, 2) AS t
WHERE t."first_time_adv" > '1/1/2021'
Right now, this is pulling in all of the people who reached the advanced level for the first time in 2021, but it is also pulling in some people that had previously reached advanced in 2020 and have now achieved an even higher level- I don't want to include these people, which is why I had used MIN with the date.
For example, it is correctly pulling in Players 1 and 2, who both reached advanced on January 2nd, and player 4, who reached elite on January 4th after skipping over the advanced level (went straight from intermediate to elite). But it is also pulling in Player 3, who reached advanced on December 30th, 2020 and then reached elite on January 10th- I do not want player 3 to be included because they reached advanced for the first time before 2021. How can I get my query to exclude people like this?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65904853/min-function-in-sql-not-working-as-expected