I've been working on a script using the pdf2base64 npm package to convert the PDF uploaded from a form to a Base64 string to upload to an api.
I'm taking the url from the uploaded PDF and passing it into the package I mentioned above in order to convert it to the correct format.
My code looks something like this:
const pdf2base64 = require('pdf-to-base64')
const createPayload = (name, email, pdf) {
return {
firstName: name,
email: email,
pdf: {
name: pdf.filename,
mimeType: pdf.type,
fileContent: '', // This will be replaced with a base64 string
exports.handler = async function( event, context ) {
const formData = JSON.parse(event.body).payload
if (formData.form_name == 'pdf-form') {
console.log("Processing PDF...")
const submission = createPayload(formData.data)
const pdfUrl = formData.data.resume.url
.then( (response) => {
const result = response;
submission.pdf.fileContent = result;
return response
.catch( (error) => console.log(error))
However, when I run the script, my console only logs the following.
9:43:59 AM: 2021-01-26T07:43:59.806Z 608332cc-be83-4243-b986-05d6e7e5b0f0 INFO Processing PDF...
9:43:59 AM: Duration: 71.86 ms Memory Usage: 70 MB Init Duration: 132.10 ms
As you can see, any logs after "Processing PDF..." aren't showing up. What am I doing wrong?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65897522/netlify-function-not-completing-before-console-log