I am trying to write a very simple sine wave generator that plays out through XAudio2.
Currently there is sound playing, and if I call Win32XAudioInit() and then Win32PlayTone() a tone will play, and the tone will change on subsequent calls to Win32PlayTone(), however there is a noticeable click almost every time the tone changes.
I know there are a few reasons that could cause this:
- I am not keeping track of the phase-offset, which means new waves would be misaligned.
- I am simply updating the Memory that the buffer is pointing to without regard to what is playing.
Regarding #2, I am not sure if XAudio wants me to create a new XAUDIO2_BUFFER and resubmit that every time I change the tone, or if I am supposed to somehow keep track of where the 'playhead' is (for lack of a better term) and only update bytes that have already been played.
I know if #2 is a problem, I won't be able to hear if I fixed it I am still plagued by problem #1. I have read through XAudio2 - Play generated sine, when changing frequency clicking sound and I think I could figure out the sin wave problem if I knew XAudio2 was set up correctly.
Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!
struct win32_audio_buffer
real32 Memory[44100 * 1]; // samples per buffer (44100) * channels 1
int BytesPerBuffer;
IXAudio2 *XEngine;
IXAudio2SourceVoice *SourceVoice;
internal HRESULT
Win32XAudioInit(win32_audio_buffer *AudioBuffer)
// Initialize a COM:
if(FAILED(HRes)) { return(HRes); }
// Init XAUDIO Engine
AudioBuffer->XEngine = {};
if (FAILED(HRes = XAudio2Create(&AudioBuffer->XEngine, 0, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_PROCESSOR)))
{ return HRes; }
IXAudio2MasteringVoice* XAudioMasterVoice = nullptr;
if (FAILED(HRes = AudioBuffer->XEngine->CreateMasteringVoice(&XAudioMasterVoice)))
{ return HRes; }
AudioBuffer->WaveFormat = {};
//int32 SamplesPerBuffer = 4410;
int SampleHz = 44100;
WORD Channels = 1;
WORD BitsPerChannel = 32; // 4 byte samples
int32 BufferSize = Channels * BitsPerChannel * SampleHz;
AudioBuffer->BytesPerBuffer = SampleHz * Channels;
AudioBuffer->WaveFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT; // or could use WAVE_FORMAT_PCM WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT
AudioBuffer->WaveFormat.nChannels = Channels;
AudioBuffer->WaveFormat.nSamplesPerSec = SampleHz;
AudioBuffer->WaveFormat.wBitsPerSample = BitsPerChannel; // 32
AudioBuffer->WaveFormat.nBlockAlign = (Channels * BitsPerChannel) / 8;
AudioBuffer->WaveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = SampleHz * Channels * BitsPerChannel / 8;
AudioBuffer->WaveFormat.cbSize = 0; // set to zero for PCM or IEEE float
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.Flags = 0;
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.AudioBytes = SampleHz * Channels * BitsPerChannel / 8;
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.PlayBegin = 0;
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.PlayLength = 0;
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.LoopBegin = 0;
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.LoopLength = 0;
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.LoopCount = XAUDIO2_LOOP_INFINITE;
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.pContext = NULL;
AudioBuffer->XBuffer.pAudioData = (BYTE *)&AudioBuffer->Memory;
if(FAILED(HRes = AudioBuffer->XEngine->CreateSourceVoice(&AudioBuffer->SourceVoice, (WAVEFORMATEX*)&AudioBuffer->WaveFormat)))
{ return HRes; }
if(FAILED(HRes = AudioBuffer->SourceVoice->Start(0)))
{ return HRes; }
if(FAILED(HRes = AudioBuffer->SourceVoice->SubmitSourceBuffer(&AudioBuffer->XBuffer)))
{ return HRes; }
internal HRESULT
Win32PlayTone(win32_audio_buffer *Buffer, int32 Hz)
real32 PI2 = (real32)6.28318; //530718;
for(int i = 0;
i < Buffer->BytesPerBuffer;
real32 CurrentSample = sinf(i * PI2 / 44100 * Hz);
Buffer->Memory[i] = CurrentSample;