I have a button, "Add Thing" under a list of form inputs. When you click the button, it adds another input above the button, at the bottom of the list.
When using a screen reader, it's not immediately obvious that the input has been added unless you navigate backwards using SHIFT + TAB or screen reader controls.
I'm conflicted over whether I should shift focus to the input on button click (using JS) - that would make it more obvious for screen reader users however it could be annoying if you wanted to click "Add thing" multiple times to add multiple inputs at once.
I can't find anything that would cover this in the WCAG guidelines, or elsewhere for that matter.
Can any accessibility experts out there advise? Should I move focus to the added input on button click?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66064433/shifting-focus-to-input-added-by-button-click