I am trying to understand the routing latency for normal Signal Gateway and the ways in how I can have a different behaviour.
First case:
- I have several Tx I-PDU that I wanted to send. I have configured the send mode to Direct, Tx signal property to triggered, and signal property is immmediate. However, the the Tx I-PDU is sent by the call cycle of Com_MainFunctionTx(). Is there any way to write a signal in a port from a SWC and sent without waiting the call of Com_MainFunctionTx()?
Second case:
- I want to send differents Tx I-PUDs with specific time between them and that time is less than 1ms. For instance:
Should I implement a CDD or the COM can have that behaviour?
My question arises because by my understading if I write a signal in a port to be send at the end by CAN the Can_Write() is called in the context of Com_MainFunctionTx(). I do not know if there is something wrong with that.
Thanks for you time.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66064210/routing-latency-for-normal-signal-gateway-in-the-com