I need to communicate via a HTTP-Rest interface with a device. I cannot create a connection to this device actively. This device is creating a TCP-Socket with my program. So, I am listening on a port for this device. After the Socket is created, I need to send HTTP-Requests to this device on top of that socket. I Am acting as HTTP-Client and the device is acting as HTTP-Server. I cannot use WebClient for that as it creates its own TCP-Socket. But the socket as I said is already created. My fist question would be: Is there still a way to use WebClient or another alternative to create the HTTP-Requests and read out the Responses?
If I cannot use Webclient I need to implement it by myself. I saw that it is possible to use WebClient to create HTTP Header Bytes:
void SendHTTPRequest(string message)
//create Header Bytes
WebClient web = new WebClient();
web.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.Connection, "keep-alive");
web.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.Accept, "*/*");
web.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding, "gzip, deflate, br");
//Built list with request bytes
List<byte> bytesToSend = new List<byte>();
//Send request to the device
My Second Question would be: Is there a way to decode the HTTP-Headers out of the received bytes from the response? So that I only need to implement the write and read methods for the HTTP-Body.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66063985/using-webclient-ontop-of-already-created-tcp-socket