I'm trying to build a financial analysis tool to help me with my personal investment. I have a dataframe indexed on time with several indicators concerning two indices: S&P 500 and Russell 2000. For plotting purposes, I want this data to be in the same dataframe. Here is the head:
Asset High Low Open Close
2011-07-20 S&P 500 9.505 9.475 9.505 9.475
2011-07-21 S&P 500 9.480 9.430 9.450 9.453
2011-07-22 S&P 500 9.505 9.470 9.485 9.470
2011-07-25 S&P 500 9.463 9.463 9.463 9.463
2011-07-26 S&P 500 9.385 9.338 9.385 9.338
Asset High Low Open Close
2021-01-29 Russell 2000 2124.620117 2066.590088 2106.780029 2073.639893
2021-02-01 Russell 2000 2130.689941 2075.010010 2075.010010 2126.159912
2021-02-02 Russell 2000 2154.540039 2126.449951 2127.310059 2151.439941
2021-02-03 Russell 2000 2163.360107 2135.780029 2151.459961 2159.699951
2021-02-04 Russell 2000 2202.419922 2160.770020 2160.770020 2202.419922
As you can see, we have the same information over the same period of time for these 2 indices. I would like to compute the daily return for each of these indices. If I had only one index in the dataframe, I would do:
(df["Close"]/df["Close"].shift(1)) -1
How can I do the equivalent with such a dataframe. How can I make column operations while keeping track of each index, without mixing all of them during the computation ? Thank you !
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66063866/pandas-how-to-make-column-operations-on-subset