I'm working on a simple UDP server. To receive packets I created a Thread
subclass and in its run()
method I have the following infinite loop:
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Packet.MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
while (continueRunning) {
val address = socket.receive(buffer) // DatagramChannel in non-blocking mode
// No packets received, always null
if (address != null) {
val data = ByteArray(buffer.limit())
buffer.get(data, 0, buffer.limit())
val packet = DatagramPacket(data, data.size, address)
// threadPool is created with Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
threadPool.submit { packetProcessor.processPacket(packet) }
val answer = answerQueue.poll() // ConcurrentLinkedQueue
// Answer queue is always empty, so this is always null as well
if (answer != null) socket.send(ByteBuffer.wrap(answer.data), answer.socketAddress)
After calling start()
function for this thread the application's CPU usage jumps to 15 - 25% and stays at this value while the thread is not stopped. I am actually okay with it. But I wonder if it is a normal situation when the server takes a lot of CPU time while doing nothing except of running an infinite loop? Or should I use some tricks to lower the CPU usage? And if I should, what should I do?