I want to pass some data so they can be used as custom attributes in Pinpoint Message template. There's predefined templates in AWS console : APNS , GCM , DefaultPushNotificationMessage. The template for APNS for example is specified in boto3 pinpoint method 'send_messages' in the following way :
My question is where can I add custom attributes to this template in 'send_messages' method in the ' message_request["MessageConfiguration"]["APNSMessage"] ' parameter and how to use them ?
boto3 pinpoint method 'send_messages' documentation : https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/pinpoint.html#Pinpoint.Client.send_messages
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66062308/add-custom-attributes-to-pinpoint-message-templates-using-boto3