I have Huawei E3372 usb modem and I do manage to send SMSs with it, I first get a session id and token from their webserver api and then passes this payload to the send-sms api
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><request><Index>-1</Index><Phones><Phone>{}</Phone></Phones><Sca></Sca><Content>{}</Content><Length>-1</Length><Reserved>1</Reserved><Date>-1</Date></request>"
My question is, is it possible to also pass some kind of from parameter as the display phone number or is it asking too much? :)
Anyone may have found some documentation on this?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66061046/sending-sms-with-huawei-e3372-usb-modem-and-adding-the-from-field