When the space under View is insufficient, why does PopupMenu not pop up but still pop down?
- I have made a lot of attempts. At first, I thought that the height of my RecyclerView was not fixed, but after I set a fixed height, this situation did not change anything.
- Then I tried to fix the height of PopupMenu, but as before, it didn't produce any effect. Below is my RecyclerView's Holders click pop-up logic.
class PartAreaBroadcastHolder(val binding: PartAreaBroadcastListItemBinding) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
fun bindView(item : PartAreaBroadcast, position: Int) {
it.text = item.zoneNumber
it.setBackgroundResource(if(position % 2==0) R.color.white else R.color.grey_210)
binding.modeTv.text = item.broadcastMode
binding.playFileContent.text = item.broadcastFiles
binding.playWaysTv.text = item.playMode
binding.modeView.setBackgroundResource(if(position % 2==0) R.color.white else R.color.grey_210)
binding.playFileView.setBackgroundResource(if(position % 2==0) R.color.white else R.color.grey_210)
binding.playWaysView.setBackgroundResource(if(position % 2==0) R.color.white else R.color.grey_210)
binding.broadcastVolumeView.setBackgroundResource(if(position % 2==0) R.color.white else R.color.grey_210)
binding.operateView.setBackgroundResource(if(position % 2==0) R.color.white else R.color.grey_210)
binding.modeIv.setOnClickListener {
showMenu(it.context, it , R.menu.part_area_broadcast_menu)
private fun showMenu(context: Context, v: View, @MenuRes menuRes: Int) {
val popup = PopupMenu(context, v)
popup.menuInflater.inflate(menuRes, popup.menu)
This is a screenshot that pops up normally
This is a screenshot of an abnormal pop-up
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66061041/popupmenu-always-appear-below-anchor-view-in-recyclerview