I use the CddbID3Tag dll and can retrieve the tagd perfect but if i try to change them and then save nothing happens
i use this code to change the tag
in a module
Public Sub SetTagItem(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Item As TagItem, ByVal Value As String)
Dim id3Tag As Object ' CDDBCONTROLLib.CddbID3Tag
Set id3Tag = CreateObject("CDDBControl.CddbID3Tag")
id3Tag.LoadFromFile Path, False
Select Case Item
Case Album: id3Tag.Album = Value
Case BeatsPerMinute: id3Tag.BeatsPerMinute = Value
Case comments: id3Tag.comments = Value
Case Copyrightholder: id3Tag.Copyrightholder = Value
Case Copyrightyear: id3Tag.Copyrightyear = Value
Case FileId: id3Tag.FileId = Value
Case Genre: id3Tag.Genre = Value
Case ISRC: id3Tag.ISRC = Value
Case Label: id3Tag.Label = Value
Case LeadArtist: id3Tag.LeadArtist = Value
Case Movie: id3Tag.Movie = Value
Case PartOfSet: id3Tag.PartOfSet = Value
Case Title: id3Tag.Title = Value
Case TrackPosition: id3Tag.TrackPosition = Value
Case Year: id3Tag.Year = Value
End Select
id3Tag.SaveToFile Path
Set id3Tag = Nothing
End Sub
and than in a button
SetTagItem "m:stest.mp3", LeadArtist, "Bob Dylan"
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66060633/edit-mp3-tag-with-vba