I now have videos(muted) in my web app. These videos are inside a react-slick
, and I control the playback when switching slides. Everything works perfectly when the page visibility stays the same.
When tabs switch, the browser would pause the video. As I return to the tab, the video resumes in Chrome, while it freezes in iOS Safari. I want it resumes in iOS Safari as well.
I've tried the document visibilitychange
But the video is still paused after I try to play it.
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => {
const video = this.videoDOMs[this.currentIndex];
if (document.visibilityState === 'visible' && appUtils.isIOs()) {
video.play(); // afterwards, video.paused is false but the video still freezes
Lastly, my workaround is using video onpause
video.onpause = () => {
if (!video.ended && document.visibilityState === 'visible' && appUtils.isIOs()) {
video.play(); // video can play
The workaround works but I still wonder why the visibility change event fails to resume the video. Any better solutions are pleased to hear.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66059996/cannot-play-video-when-page-visibility-changes-in-ios-safari