I am working with a social integration app that the user can message to our facebook page and it will create a ticket in zendesk console. However I added some condition for the end user to not let the api trigger by using this tag : {^%endusers%^}} . Zendesk navigation will show the name of the facebook user follow by the last message. Here is what happen:
Inside the console itself the text was hidden:
I already set the display to none for it and here is the code:
public static final String hiddenTriggerText = "<span style='display:none'>{{^%endusers%^}}</span>"
and here is the json body that will append the tag to every end-user message to not let the api trigger:
"ticket": {
"tags": ["$GeneralConstant.TicketTag","$GeneralConstant.ticketFacebookTag"],
"requester_id": ${passedFacebookJsonDataReq.zendeskId},
"external_id": "${passedFacebookJsonDataReq.userId}",
"status": "${zendeskFormattedTicketStatus}",
"comment": {
"html_body": "${commentRemarks} ${GeneralConstant.hiddenTriggerText} ${facebookInputMessageTextFormatted}", "author_id": ${passedFacebookJsonDataReq.zendeskId}
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66057165/zendesk-console-header-showing-hidden-string