I am trying to set my Login section's background opacity using bg-opacity-75
, but when I add that to my className, background color will just disappear. And if I use opacity-75
, all child-div will be transparent as it should, if I use opacity-100
, background color will just disappear and only input field is visible, it's kinda wired. In addition, I'm using default tailwind.config
file with tailwind v2.0.2.
Here's my code:
<div className={"h-screen w-screen py-10 lg:w-3/6"}>
className={"bg-gray-50 h-full max-w-md rounded-2xl bg-opacity-75 shadow-md mx-auto md:max-w-lg hover:shadow-lg transition-shadow"}>
I aslo tried inline css, still not working.
using bg-opacity-75
(there sholld be a white transparent area behind inputs)