I'm trying to run the below code
import requests
import pandas as pd
companies = requests.get(f'https://fmpcloud.io/api/v3/stock-screener? industry=Software§or=tech&marketCapLowerThan=10000000000&limit=100&apikey=c609af2465eb19e3c82f0c3c38cb51ea')
At this point it's working fine but when getting to the following part , I was receiving an error
technological_companies = []
for item in companies:
The error was :
Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-61eef8b7699a> in <module>
1 technological_companies = []
2 for item in companies:
----> 3 technological_companies.append(item['symbol'])
4 print(technological_companies)
TypeError: byte indices must be integers or slices, not str
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66058710/byte-indices-must-be-integers-or-slices-not-str