my update statement works fine with INNER JOIN but gives me error when I replace it with LEFT JOIN. HOw can I achieve left join here ? I am looking for LEFT JOIN results where if a corresponding rn =2 doesn't exist then I need to update null in the table.
with cte as (
select * from
( select row_number() over(partition by user_id order by loginDate desc) rn,
min(loginDate) over(partition by user_id) min_date,
max(loginDate) over(partition by user_id) max_date,
dau.* from DAILY_Active_user_table dau ) as foo
where rn <= 2
update user_agg_activity
SET first_login_date = cte.min_date,
last_login_date = cte.max_date,
prev_login_date = cte.loginDate,
date_partition = current_date
from user_agg_activity uac, cte
where cte.user_id = user_agg_activity.user_id;
--group by uac.user_id
question from: