I have spent several hours searching for a solution and troubleshooting.
Company I work for uses an Access DB for production purposes. Recently a coworker was asked to add a column to a table and form. Which works as intended. However, since that addition the button to print preview and print no longer works, in fact the dialog never pops up and Access itself freezes. CTRL-G still works.
The event for the print button is the same as it was prior to the addition of a new column...
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
'Open the report only if viewing the inventory not the lot transactions.
If Form_frmViewInv_Sub2.Visible = True Then
MsgBox "Report not available at this time - Please contact your administrator!", _
vbInformation, DATABASE_NAME
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptInventory", acViewPreview
End If
Exit_Procedure: 'Clean up and exit.
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
DisplayUnexpectedError Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_Procedure
End Sub
No errors, nothing in the event viewer, Access just freezes.
I feel like it's something simple, but Access is not my cup o' tea.
I appreciate any guidance or suggestions.
Thank you.
Code for rptInventory...
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim frm As Form_frmViewInv
Dim frm2 As Form_frmViewInv_Sub1
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
'Set the form object variables.
Set frm = Form_frmViewInv
Set frm2 = Form_frmViewInv_Sub1
'Transfer the form attributes to the report.
With Me
.RecordSource = frm2.RecordSource
.Filter = frm2.Filter
.FilterOn = True
.OrderBy = frm2.OrderBy
.OrderByOn = True
End With
'Build the report title.
Me.lblTitle1.Caption = "Company - " & _
Left(frm.lblTitle.Caption, InStr(1, frm.lblTitle.Caption, "(", vbTextCompare) - 3)
Me.lblTitle2.Caption = frm.txtInvDate.Value
Exit_Procedure: 'Clean up and exit.
On Error Resume Next
Set frm = Nothing
Set frm2 = Nothing
Exit Sub
DisplayUnexpectedError Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_Procedure
End Sub
Private Function ProdTypeDesc(ProdType As String) As String
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
'Get the product type description to display on the grouping.
Select Case ProdType
Case "0"
ProdTypeDesc = "RM - Raw Material"
Case "1"
ProdTypeDesc = "FG - Finished Goods (BAT)"
Case "2"
ProdTypeDesc = "FG - Finished Goods (NER)"
Case "3"
ProdTypeDesc = "MU - MadeUp Recipe"
Case "4"
ProdTypeDesc = "PK - Packaging"
Case Else
ProdTypeDesc = "Unclassified Product Type"
End Select
Exit_Procedure: 'Clean up and exit.
On Error Resume Next
Exit Function
DisplayUnexpectedError Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_Procedure
End Function
I was able to get it functioning by removing ProdType IN('RM','MU','PK','FG','SP')
from rptInventory Data->Filter in design view. Though, I don't know why that worked.