This NodeJs Meteor app displays a li
to the user when clicked it creates a button to download a mp3 file, but clicking the button failed to download. Any idea why and how to fix it?
The app is running locally on a Window10 which is running 2 servers, nodeJs for Meteor and xampp Apache to serve the audio files. When the link is copied and pasted in a new tab it plays the .mp3 file fine.
Here is the link copied from the browser Element inspect section.
onclick="window.location.href=http://localhost/Audio/1 LIBROS DE LA/1 Antiguo/1 sis/1 Cap.1 v.1.mp3"
function downloadLink(link){
let download = document.createElement('div')
download.setAttribute('id', 'right')
let button = document.createElement('input')
button.setAttribute('type', 'button' )
button.setAttribute('value', 'Download file' )
button.setAttribute('onClick', 'window.location.href='+link )
return download
'click li'(event){
let parent = document.createElement('div')
let download = downloadLink(link)
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<h1>Welcom Audio!</h1>
{{> tree}}
<template name="tree">
{{#each item in result}}
<li class="pointer" data-type={{item.type}} data-order={{item.order}}>{{item.title}}</li>
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