Background: I'm working remotely to make R-shiny dashboard. I have been given permissions to a SQL Server database. I don't have any real experience with SQL Server. I have MySQL on my own machine, but I'm logging in to a virtual machine which has R-studio and access to the database.
My connection seems fine
con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), Driver = "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server", Server = DBServer, Database = "thedb", UID = DBUser, PWD = DBPassword)
I can run this query and get the right result:
mydates <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT var1, datevar FROM table1 WHERE datevar IS NOT NULL"))
but when I run this query:
mynames <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT names FROM table2"))
the result is:
1 #NAME?
2 #NAME?
3 #NAME?
4 #NAME?
5 #NAME?
6 #NAME?
I checked with the data warehouser and there are real names in the database - nothing looks like #NAME?
Also, I do have permissions for both tables.
Can anyone suggest how to fix this?
SELECT * FROM table2
works, as does
SELECT rowID, names FROM table2
but it still doesn't work if I only try to pull the names
question from: