This is my dataframe
year state sex age population deaths
1970 Cal Male 12 134 45
1970 Cal Female 12 100 20
1980 Pen Male 13 200 10
1980 Pen Female 13 150 50
What I want to do is add the number of deaths and population for each year, and state based on the column sex. And create a new row called Total, with the sum of these values.
I would like to have this:
For each year, example (1970,1980,1990...2050) I have a column called age from 0 to 100. With the number of deaths and population for Male and Female. I want to add the number of population and death for each year,state and age. (keeping the value of age)
I mean I want a third row with the add of Femlaes and Males (Total) and keep the age and year.
year state sex age population deaths
1970 Cal Male 12 134 45
1970 Cal Female 12 100 20
1970 Cal Total 12 234 65
1980 Pen Male 13 200 10
1980 Pen Female 13 150 50
1980 Pen Total 13 350 60
I tried with this line
df_1 <- setDT(df)[,rbind(.SD,c(.(sex = "Total"),colSums(.SD[,-1]))),state,.SDcols = c("sex", "population", "deaths", "year", "age")]
But is not giving me the right result. How can I do this?
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