I'm having quite a difficulty combining Redux with the Material-UI framework in a React SPA.
The thing is. I created a Tab with the Material-UI component and I'm trying to use Redux to control it. The redux is changing the state on my onChange={() => selectTab('1')}
, but my TabContext
component is not re-rendering at all.
const Tabelas = (props) => { return (
<Paper square elevation={5}>
<TabContext centered value={props.tab.selected} indicatorColor="primary" textColor="primary">
<TabList centered >
<Tab label="Listar" onChange={() => selectTab('1')}value="1" icon={<ListIcon/>}/>
<Tab label="Incluir" onChange={() => selectTab('2')} value="2" icon={<AddIcon/>}/>
<TabPanel value='1'>{props.lista}</TabPanel>
<TabPanel value='2'>{props.form}</TabPanel>
}const mapStateToProps = state => ({ tab : state.tab})
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => bindActionCreators({selectTab,renderTab}, dispatch)
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Tabelas);
const INITIAL_SATE = {selected: '1', visible: ''}
export default (state = INITIAL_SATE, action) => {
switch (action.type){
return { ...state, selected: action.payload}
case 'TAB_SHOWED':
return {...state, visible: action.payload}
return state
export function selectTab(tabId){
payload: tabId
While using Hooks (useState) I can easily make the transition between Tabs but with the redux, it's simply not happening. The function selectTab() changes de state of the app. But the tabcontext simply does not re-render. By the way, the Material-UI framework already does the action of the switching tab for me. So it's really simple with useState. I'm out of ideas.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66054631/react-redux-state-issue