I have an app that I'm working on that is three separate modules. All three modules will be packaged separately and stored in a private NPM repository. So each module will have it's own index.js
, package.json
, etc.
Module A
depends on Module B
and Module C
. Module B
depends on Module C
Because Module A
and Module B
both have a dependency on Module C
, will they share the dependency?
For instance, let's say that Module C
has a singleton.js
file that returns a singleton
class MyClass {
const instance = new MyClass();
module.exports = instance;
And then the index.js for Module C
exports that as well.
const myClassSingleton = require('./lib/singleton.js')
module.exports = myClassSingleton;
If both Module A
and Module B
Module C
const moduleC = require('module-c');
Are they both sharing that same instance of that Singleton