I'm attempting to create a lambda function that runs a bash file to mysqldump a db, gzip it, and move it to S3. I'm including a 'mysqldump' binary file in the zip because evidently the command is not available natively on the lambda server. I have a bootstrap file straight from the documentation and I'm able to echo all of my environment variables from a handler in my bash file:
handler () {
set -e
TIMEE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S)
echo "Backing up ${EXPORT_DB_NAME} to ${EXPORT_S3_PATH}/${EXPORT_DB_NAME}.sql using host: ${DB_HOST} and user: ${DB_USERNAME}"
./mysqldump --host ${DB_HOST} --opt -u ${DB_USERNAME} -p${DB_PASSWORD} ${EXPORT_DB_NAME} | gzip | aws s3 cp - s3://${EXPORT_S3_PATH}/${EXPORT_DB_FOLDER}/${EXPORT_DB_NAME}-$TIMEE.sql.gz
The error I'm getting:
{ "errorMessage": "RequestId: 22bc7a9f-6218-4872-a098-4d27918e4f1c Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 127", "errorType": "Runtime.ExitError"
/var/task/export.sh: line 9: aws: command not found }
Looks like the aws command won't run -- why would the aws cli not work on the lambda function?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66053187/bash-mysql-dump-aws-lambda