I have this Structure in my db:
videos (C)
- iajsdojasfio (D)
-- name : "hello" (string)
-- url : "http.." (string)
- Folder (D)
-- FolderNameChoosed (C)
--- jsadiujaf (D)
---- name: "videoName" (string)
---- url: "url" (string)
How can I get the items from all the collections inside 'Folder' document? Or get the name of the collections to subsequent query
This is what i'm trying now:
await databaseReference
But in this way I don't have the option to do the forEach in the snapshot... How can I handle that? Is It possible?
(D) : Document
(C) : Collection
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66052606/how-to-get-subcollections-and-your-documents-in-firestore-flutter