I have implemented Karatsuba multiplication in Python.
The code and pseudocode are as follow:
def karatsuba(x, y):
Input: two n-digit positive integers x and y.
Output: the product x·y.
Assumption: n is a power of 2. (NOT assuming this)
if n =1 then // base case
compute x·y in one step and return the result
a,b := ?rst and second halves of x
c,d := ?rst and second halves of y
compute p := a + b and q := c + d using grade-school addition
recursively compute ac := a·c, bd := b·d, and pq := p·q
compute adbc := pqacbd using grade-school addition
compute 10n ·ac + 10n/2 ·adbc + bd using grade-school addition and return the result
str_x = str(x)
str_y = str(y)
if len(str_x) == 1 or len(str_y) == 1:
return x*y
n = max(len(str_x), len(str_y))
n_half = int(n / 2)
a, b = x // 10**n_half, x % 10**n_half
c, d = y // 10**n_half, y % 10**n_half
p = a + b
q = c + d
ac = karatsuba(a, c)
bd = karatsuba(b, c)
pq = karatsuba(p, q)
adbc = pq - ac - bd
return 10**(2*n_half) * ac + 10**n_half * adbc + bd
When I do the multiplication of very large numbers, my code is failing.
Here is an example:
>>> a = 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592
>>> b = 2718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627
>>> mul_karatsuba = karatsuba(a, b)
>>> mul_builtin = a * b
>>> mul_karatsuba == mul_builtin
>>> mul_karatsuba
>>> mul_builtin
I am not able to find what exactly is wrong with my code. I have coded everything according to mentioned pseudocode.
Can you please help me?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66051071/large-kartusba-multiplication-is-failing-what-is-possibly-going-wrong