I have the following code which triggers context menu, but when I do a search and get multiple results having same word, the onClick is not working, where as if I get one result with search word the onClick works fine. I tried giving unique id's to menu items as well, but still it's not working. Can you help me to figure out where is the issue?
const getHighlightText = (text, keyword, value) => {
const startIndex = text.indexOf(keyword);
const entryId = value.entryid;
const entryParent = value.entryparent;
const entryType = value.entrytype;
return startIndex !== -1 ? (
{text.substring(0, startIndex)}
<span style={{ color: '#03a0ce' }}>
<ContextMenuTrigger id='HIGHLIGHTER_CONTEXT_MENU_1' holdToDisplay={1000}>
{text.substring(startIndex, startIndex + keyword.length)}
<ContextMenu id='HIGHLIGHTER_CONTEXT_MENU_1' hideOnLeave={true}>
{(catalogType === 'M' || catalogType === 'L') ?
<MenuItem data={{event: 'CreateLibrary'}}
onClick={(event) => handleClickOnCatalogIcon(event, 'createLibrary')}
Create Library
</MenuItem> : null}
{text.substring(startIndex + keyword.length)}
) : (
<ContextMenuTrigger id='HIGHLIGHTER_CONTEXT_MENU_2' holdToDisplay={1000}>
<ContextMenu id='HIGHLIGHTER_CONTEXT_MENU_2' hideOnLeave={true}>
{(catalogType === 'M' || catalogType === 'L') ?
<MenuItem data={{event: 'CreateLibrary'}}
onClick={(event) => handleClickOnCatalogIcon(event, 'createLibrary')}
Create Library
</MenuItem> : null}
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66050992/react-context-menu-onclick-not-working-on-multiple-context-menu