I bought an Intel RealSense T265 camera and I am testing out the following example:
import pyrealsense2 as rs
import cv2
# Get realsense pipeline
pipe = rs.pipeline()
# Configure the pipeline
cfg = rs.config()
cfg.enable_stream(rs.stream.pose) # Positional data (translation, rotation, velocity etc)
# Start the configured pipeline
for _ in range(10):
frames = pipe.wait_for_frames()
pose = frames.get_pose_frame()
if pose:
data = pose.get_pose_data()
print('Position: ', data.translation)
The example runs great the first time, but when I try to re-run it, it gives me the following RuntimeError: "No device connected" and references the "pipe.start(cfg)" line. If I re-run the script it works again. In other words, if I just keep tapping "F5" to run the script, it will work, crash, work, crash, etc...
My question is, how do I restart the pipeline so it recognizes my device every time I run the script?