i have made indirect relation from one model to another in couple of my models.
this is my Work
public function GeoEntities()
return $this->hasMany(AppGeoEntity::class);
public function geoLand()
$builder = $this->GeoEntities()->where("entity_type", 0);
$relation = new HasOne($builder->getQuery(), $this, 'work_id', 'id');
return $relation;
public function geoLandPoints()
return $this->geoLand->geoPoints();
this return $this->intermediateModel->FinalModel();
would work, if intermediate relation is belongsTo() and returns a relation instance.
but in this case, when geoLand
is Empty it produce error:
Call to a member function geoPoints() on null
like below line:
$points = $work->geoLandPoints;
- The Intermediate Relation is a hasMany
i want to have this like relation call geoLandPoints
and not geoLandPoints()
when intermidate models are null, i want an empty relation.
but i can not figure it out, how to achieve this.
with Fico7489LaravelEloquentJoinTraitsEloquentJoin
using Fico7489LaravelEloquentJoinTraitsEloquentJoin
package, i have tried to refactor relation like below:
public function geoLandPoints()
$builder = $this
->join("geo_entities", "works.id", "geo_entities.work_id")
->join("geo_points", "geo_entities.id", "geo_points.geo_entity_id")
->where("entity_type", 0)
->where("works.id", $this->id);
return new HasMany($builder->getQuery(), $this, "work_id", "id");
but it couldn't convert Database Query Builder to Eloquent Query Builder.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66050813/use-indirect-relation-when-intermediate-model-is-emptyArgument 1 passed to IlluminateDatabaseEloquentRelationsHasOneOrMany::__construct() must be an instance of IlluminateDatabaseEloquentBuilder, instance of IlluminateDatabaseQueryBuilder given