I have the following data frames
#Data to be matched
Data <- data.frame(
Register = c(141 ,565, 1411, 141, 230, 230, 230, 423, 423,423,561),
Name = c("Steve","Steve", "Steve", "Steve" ,"Robin", "bin", "Robi", "Her", "Her", "Hero","Hero"))
#Mapping table
Map = data.frame(
Register = c(141,230,423),
Name = c("Steve","Robin","Hero"),
Class = c("3A", "5B", "6D"),
Gender = c("M", "F", "M"))
What I would like to do is find out the class and gender of the students using the mapping table based on their Register and Name.
#Merge using Register first
Joined = merge(x = Data,y = Map[,c("Class", "Register", "Gender")],by.x = "Register", by.y = "Register", all.x = TRUE)
Register Name Class Gender
1 141 Steve 3A M
2 141 Steve 3A M
3 230 Robin 5B F
4 230 bin 5B F
5 230 Robi 5B F
6 423 Her 6D M
7 423 Her 6D M
8 423 Hero 6D M
9 561 Hero <NA> <NA>
10 565 Steve <NA> <NA>
11 1411 Steve <NA> <NA>
Here comes the problem; I would like to do a Merge again but this time using the Name. I did not merge using the Name initially because the Name could be different from Mapping table.
This is what I would like to do; If the Class/Gender is NA, do another merge but using Name this time round. I tried to do an ifelse statement that goes like "If "Class" is NA, merge using the name, else, stay the same".
Joined = ifelse(Joined[is.na(Joined$Class),], merge(Data, Map,by.x = "Name", by.y = "Name", all.x = TRUE), Joined)
Another way for me to solve this issue is for me to split the dataframe into 2 parts; rows without NA in "Class" and rows with NA in "Class". But this will make my script look very untidy and very hard to work with.
edit: Added the "Gender" column in the dataframe