I am using a Zaber linear stage controlled by an Arduino using the Zaber shield. I try to do something similar to this question (Track position of a Zaber device as it moves), but using the Arduino language instead of Labview.
In the answer 3 options were provided: interpolate from the start and end points, poll the position using a timer, or turn on a device mode that reports the position every 250 ms.
The device mode does not seem to exist for my stage (X-LSQ-075B-E01) and I don't want to rely on interpolation. The stage is fitted with an encoder and I can easily get its readback for the exact position; I just don't know how to poll the stage while moving. I came up with the following code (a bit simplified), but it is relatively slow and only gives the readback from 1 stage (we are actually using 2) and sending the command to both does not really work.
#include <ZaberAscii.h>
ZaberAscii za(shield);
void setup() {
za.send(1, 1, "move rel", 20000);
while (za.isIdle(1) == false) {
za.send(1, "get encoder.pos");
ZaberAscii::reply reply = za.receive();
if (!reply.isReply) {
Serial.println("*** Received a non-reply message from device " + String(reply.deviceNumber) + ".");
else if (reply.isRejected) {
Serial.println("*** A command was rejected by device " + String(reply.deviceNumber) + ".");
else {
Serial.println( String(reply.deviceNumber) + ": " + String(reply.responseData));
Serial.println("1 finished");
za.send(2, 1, "move rel", 20000);
while (za.isIdle(2) == false) {
za.send(2, "get encoder.pos");
Serial.println("Device 2 not idle");
ZaberAscii::reply reply = za.receive();
if (!reply.isReply) {
Serial.println("*** Received a non-reply message from device " + String(reply.deviceNumber) + ".");
else if (reply.isRejected) {
Serial.println("*** A command was rejected by device " + String(reply.deviceNumber) + ".");
else {
Serial.println( String(reply.deviceNumber) + ": " + String(reply.responseData));
Serial.println("2 finished");
void loop() {}
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66045903/track-position-of-zaber-device-while-moving