This is a design question regarding the implementation of a Pipeline. The following is my naive implementation.
Interface for individual steps/stages in the pipeline:
public interface Step<T, U> {
public U execute(T input);
Concrete implementations of steps/stages in pipeline:
public class StepOne implements Step<Integer, Integer> {
public Integer execute(Integer input) {
return input + 100;
public class StepTwo implements Step<Integer, Integer> {
public Integer execute(Integer input) {
return input + 500;
public class StepThree implements Step<Integer, String> {
public String execute(Integer input) {
return "The final amount is " + input;
The pipeline class will hold/register the steps in the pipeline and execute them one after the other:
public class Pipeline {
private List<Step> pipelineSteps = new ArrayList<>();
private Object firstStepInput = 100;
public void addStep(Step step) {
public void execute() {
for (Step step : pipelineSteps) {
Object out = step.execute(firstStepInput);
firstStepInput = out;
Diver program to execute the pipeline:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
pipeline.addStep(new StepOne());
pipeline.addStep(new StepTwo());
pipeline.addStep(new StepThree());
However, as you can see the naive implementation has many limitations.
One of the major ones is that since the requirement is that the output of each step could be of any type, the naive implementation is not type-safe (the execute method in the Pipeline class). If I happen to wire the steps in the pipeline incorrectly, the app will fail.
Can anyone help me design the solution by adding to what I have coded, or point me towards an already existing pattern to solve this?
question from: