I have the following code, that I wrote to test a part of a larger program :
#include <fstream>
#include <random>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main()
mt19937_64 Generator(12187) ;
mt19937_64 Generator2(12187) ;
uniform_int_distribution<int> D1(1,6) ;
cout << D1(Generator) << " " ;
cout << D1(Generator) << " " << D1(Generator) << endl ;
cout << D1(Generator2) << " " << D1(Generator2) << " " << D1(Generator2) << endl ;
ofstream g1("g1.dat") ;
g1 << Generator ;
g1.close() ;
ofstream g2("g2.dat") ;
g2 << Generator2 ;
g2.close() ;
The two generators are seeded with the same value, and therefore I expected the second row in the output to be identical to the first one. Instead, the output is
1 1 3
1 3 1
The state of the two generators as printed in the *.dat
files is the same. I was wondering if there might be some hidden multi-threading in the random number generation causing the order mismatch.
I compiled with g++
version 5.3.0, on Linux, with the flag -std=c++11
Thanks in advance for your help.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35060111/random-number-order-in-c-using-random