The client I am working with has a frameset like so...
<frameset rows="100,*, 0">
<frame name="theFrame" id="theFrame" src="blah.html" >
<frame name="theSecondFrame" id="theSecondFrame" src="foo.html" >
<frame name="importantFrame" id="importantFrame" src="myFrame.html" >
When a certain action takes place I need my frame (importantframe which is currently hidden) to mostly take over the page and block any interaction with the other frames. I'm planning on blocking interaction using the jquery block UI plugin.
The problem is I can't actually change the foo.html or blah.html files. So the JS code cannot live there. What I need to do is execute my jquery code in the context of those frames. So just to recap, I need my JQuery code to live in myFrame.html but execute in the context of the other frames. How can I do that? Hope that makes sense.
Thanks CDR
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