I want to check is a function exists in a library that I am creating, which is static. I've seen function and method_exists, but haven't found a way that allows me to call them in a relative context. Here is a better example:
class myClass{
function test1()
if(method_exists("myClass", "test1"))
echo "Hi";
function test2()
if(method_exists($this, "test2"))
echo "Hi";
function test3()
if(method_exists(self, "test3"))
echo "Hi";
// Echos Hi
// Trys to use 'self' as a string instead of a constant
// Echos Hi
$obj = new myClass;
I need to be able to make test 3 echo Hi if the function exists, without needing to take it out of static context. Given the keyword for accessing the class should be 'self', as $this is for assigned classes.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1156593/find-out-if-a-method-exists-in-a-static-class