How do you reverse a string in Ruby? I know about string#reverse. I'm interested in understanding how to write it in pure Ruby, preferably an in-place solution.
question from: do you reverse a string in Ruby? I know about string#reverse. I'm interested in understanding how to write it in pure Ruby, preferably an in-place solution.
question from:'s already an inplace reverse method, called "reverse!":
$ a = "abc"
$ a.reverse!
$ puts a
If you want to do this manually try this (but it will probably not be multibyte-safe, eg UTF-8), and it will be slower:
class String
def reverse_inplace!
half_length = self.length / 2
half_length.times {|i| self[i], self[-i-1] = self[-i-1], self[i] }
This swaps every byte from the beginning with every byte from the end until both indexes meet at the center:
$ a = "abcd"
$ a.reverse_inplace!
$ puts a