I'm new to moq and setting up mocks so i could do with a little help. How do I mock up an SqlDataReader using Moq?
After further testing this is what I have so far:
private IDataReader MockIDataReader()
var moq = new Mock<IDataReader>();
moq.Setup( x => x.Read() ).Returns( true );
moq.Setup( x => x.Read() ).Returns( false );
moq.SetupGet<object>( x => x["Char"] ).Returns( 'C' );
return moq.Object;
private class TestData
public char ValidChar { get; set; }
private TestData GetTestData()
var testData = new TestData();
using ( var reader = MockIDataReader() )
while ( reader.Read() )
testData = new TestData
ValidChar = reader.GetChar( "Char" ).Value
return testData;
The issue you is when I do reader.Read in my GetTestData() method its always empty. I need to know how to do something like
reader.Stub( x => x.Read() ).Repeat.Once().Return( true )
as per the rhino mock example: Mocking a DataReader and getting a Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException: IDisposable.Dispose(); Expected #0, Actual #1
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2643909/how-to-mock-an-sqldatareader-using-moq-update