Given a Kotlin singleton object and a fun that call it's method
object SomeObject {
fun someFun() {}
fun callerFun() {
Is there a way to mock call to SomeObject.someFun()
Given a Kotlin singleton object and a fun that call it's method
object SomeObject {
fun someFun() {}
fun callerFun() {
Is there a way to mock call to SomeObject.someFun()
Just make you object implement an interface, than you can mock you object with any mocking library. Here example of Junit + Mockito + Mockito-Kotlin:
import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.mock
import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.whenever
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test
object SomeObject : SomeInterface {
override fun someFun():String {
return ""
interface SomeInterface {
fun someFun():String
class SampleTest {
fun test_with_mock() {
val mock = mock<SomeInterface>()
val answer = mock.someFun()
assertEquals("42", answer)
Or in case if you want mock SomeObject
inside callerFun
import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.mock
import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.whenever
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test
object SomeObject : SomeInterface {
override fun someFun():String {
return ""
class Caller(val someInterface: SomeInterface) {
fun callerFun():String {
return "Test ${someInterface.someFun()}"
// Example of use
val test = Caller(SomeObject).callerFun()
interface SomeInterface {
fun someFun():String
class SampleTest {
fun test_with_mock() {
val mock = mock<SomeInterface>()
val caller = Caller(mock)
val answer = caller.callerFun()
assertEquals("Test 42", answer)