I'm trying to implement a system of retrying ajax requests that fail for a temporary reason. In my case, it is about retrying requests that failed with a 401 status code because the session has expired, after calling a refresh webservice that revives the session.
The problem is that the "done" callbacks are not called on a successful retry, unlike the "success" ajax option callback that is called. I've made up a simple example below:
$.ajaxSetup({statusCode: {
404: function() {
this.url = '/existent_url';
url: '/inexistent_url',
success: function() { alert('success'); }
.done(function() {
Is there a way to have done-style callbacks called on a successful retry? I know a deferred can't be 'resolved' after it was 'rejected', is it possible to prevent the reject? Or maybe copy the doneList of the original deferred to a new deferred? I'm out of ideas:)
A more realistic example below, where I'm trying to queue up all 401-rejected requests, and retry them after a successful call to /refresh.
var refreshRequest = null,
waitingRequests = null;
var expiredTokenHandler = function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//only the first rejected request will fire up the /refresh call
if(!refreshRequest) {
waitingRequests = $.Deferred();
refreshRequest = $.ajax({
url: '/refresh',
success: function(data) {
// session refreshed, good
refreshRequest = null;
error: function(data) {
// session can't be saved
alert('Your session has expired. Sorry.');
// put the current request into the waiting queue
(function(request) {
waitingRequests.done(function() {
// retry the request
$.ajaxSetup({statusCode: {
401: expiredTokenHandler
The mechanism works, the 401-failed requests get fired a second time, the problem is their 'done' callbacks do not get called, so the applications stalls.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11793430/retry-a-jquery-ajax-request-which-has-callbacks-attached-to-its-deferred