Github offers to send Post-receive hooks to an URL of your choice when there's activity on your repo. I want to write a small Python command-line/background (i.e. no GUI or webapp) application running on my computer (later on a NAS), which continually listens for those incoming POST requests, and once a POST is received from Github, it processes the JSON information contained within. Processing the json as soon as I have it is no problem. The POST can come from a small number of IPs given by github; I plan/hope to specify a port on my computer where it should get sent.
The problem is, I don't know enough about web technologies to deal with the vast number of options you find when searching.. do I use Django, Requests, sockets,Flask, microframeworks...? I don't know what most of the terms involved mean, and most sound like they offer too much/are too big to solve my problem - I'm simply overwhelmed and don't know where to start.
Most tutorials about POST/GET I could find seem to be concerned with either sending or directly requesting data from a website, but not with continually listening for it.
I feel the problem is not really a difficult one, and will boil down to a couple of lines, once I know where to go/how to do it. Can anybody offer pointers/tutorials/examples/sample code?
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