I'm still pretty new to the iOS stuff in general and found a problem while testing our App for iOS 8 compatibility. In iOS 7 everything worked fine but on iOS 8 the rightCalloutAccessoryView is misaligned under certain circumstances.
First Screenshot: Correctly aligned
Second Screenshot: Wrong alignment
As you can see, the problem takes place when the InfoWindow has a long title. But this was not the case on iOS 7 and I couldn't find anything mentioning this has changed?
I tried to understand why and find a way to resolve this, but couldn't find anything yet. Is this solvable on our own or do we have to file an issue for Apple?
Any help/ideas would be highly appreciated as I'm somehow overchallenged with this problem.
Code which adds the MKAnnotationViews
- (MKAnnotationView *)viewForStation:(id<MKAnnotation>)annotation {
static NSString *stationIdentifier = @"stao";
MKAnnotationView *annotationView = [self.mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:stationIdentifier];
if (annotationView == nil) {
annotationView = [[MKAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:annotation reuseIdentifier:stationIdentifier];
annotationView.image = [UIImage bundleImageNamed:PIN_IMAGE];
annotationView.canShowCallout = YES;
annotationView.rightCalloutAccessoryView = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure];
return annotationView;
As you may be interested, I (just now) also added this question to the iOS 8 Beta section on apple.developer.com: https://devforums.apple.com/thread/242282?tstart=0
If I get an answer either here or on apple.developer.com I will reflect it so we can find it on both sites
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25484608/ios-8-mkannotationview-rightcalloutaccessoryview-misaligned