I m working on an application which renders google maps on an image as below
<img alt="Google Maps (Scotland)" src="http://maps.google.com/staticmap?size=480x200&maptype=mobile&markers=55.9368450758,-3.03604939504,reda|55.9454374538,-3.18124534297,redb&key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
The map is not getting rendered and when I right click on the source of image and click the url, I get the following message
"The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This site or IP is not authorized to use this API key."
I have checked the API Access on https://code.google.com/apis/console the API key seems to be all correct. Just wondering how to fix the site and IP bit?
See below the settings in google API console
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19408066/the-google-maps-api-server-rejected-your-request