Repent is an esoteric stack-based toy language of my own, with inspiration from J, APL, Golfscript and Python. Here is a short solution. I will explain it, but is very late and this is doing my head in, so I'll explain it and release a Silverlight interpreter in the morning.
↓ Copies the message string back onto the stack
? Puts the extra message string to the bottom of stack
| Find length of message string
* Multiply key array by last number - repeats key for at least as long as message
⊕; Apply XOR between each element corresponding of message array and repeated
key array, pushing XOR encoded message to stack
€ Print encoded message string/(char array) as string.
Use like:
Repent "↓?|*⊕;€" "Code Golf" "StackOverflow is Cool" > output.txt
Output (most chars do not display):
Ascii: K % .L%,
Hex: 10 1B 05 06 4B 08 19 09 14 25 03 0B 12 00 2E 1C 4C 25 2C 00 08 0D 0A
Using files it is: