I have separated my models and service into separate files
- main.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package grpc;
import "sub.proto";
service Users {
// SSO Adapter Profiles
rpc AddUser (UserRequest) returns (UserResponse) {}
- sub.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package grpc;
message UserRequest {
string FirstName = 1;
string LastName = 2;
message UserResponse {
int64 id=1;
Using this command protoc --proto_path=./ --csharp_out=./out/dotnet --grpc_out=./out/dotnet ./main.proto
will generate the GRPC serviceclient file in .cs
but will not generate the models causing compilation error due to missing types use in the grpc APIs'.
If I move the models declaration into the main.proto
everything works ..
Any way to keep thins separated ?