IndentationError: unexpected unindent WHY???
import sys
class Seq:
def __init__(self, id, adnseq, colen): = id
self.dna = adnseq
self.cdnlen = colen
self.prot = ""
def __str__(self):
return ">%s
" % (, self.prot)
def translate(self, transtable):
self.prot = ""
for i in range(0,len(self.dna),self.cdnlen):
codon = self.dna[i:i+self.cdnlen]
aa = transtable[codon]
self.prot += aa
def parseCommandOptions(cmdargs):
tfname = cmdargs[1]
sfname = cmdargs[2]
return (tfname, sfname)
def readTTable(fname):
ttable = {}
cdnlen = -1
tfile = open(fname, "r")
for line in tfile:
linearr = line.split()
codon = linearr[0]
cdnlen = len(codon)
aa = linearr[1]
ttable[codon] = aa
return (ttable, cdnlen)
def translateSData(sfname, cdnlen, ttable):
sequences = []
seqf = open(seq_fname, "r")
line = seqf.readline()
while line:
if line[0] == ">":
id = line[1:len(line)].strip()
seq = ""
line = seqf.readline()
while line and line[0] != '>':
seq += line.strip()
line = seqf.readline()
sequence = Seq(id, seq, cdnlen)
return sequences
if __name__ == "__main__":
(trans_table_fname, seq_fname) = parseCommandOptions(sys.argv)
(transtable, colen) = readTTable(trans_table_fname)
seqs = translateSData(seq_fname, colen, transtable)
for s in seqs:
print s
It says:
def translateSeqData(sfname, cdnlen, ttable):
IndentationError: unexpected unindent
WHY? I have checked a thousands times and I can't find the problem. I have only used Tabs and no spaces. Plus, sometimes it asks to define the class. Is that Ok?
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