I'm trying to use a method from within another method in a class. I don't have much experience in PHP5 OOP, and I looked around for answers, but couldn't find any. I'm trying to use getClientInfo() in sendRequest(), which is in the same class.
class DomainHandler {
public static function getClientInfo($db, $client_id)
//Do stuff
public static function sendRequest($details)
$db = new MySQL;
getClientInfo($db, $client);
And it tells me:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function getClientInfo()
I've also tried
parent::getClientInfo($db, $client);
$this->getClientInfo($db, $client);
to no avail.
Any ideas?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2220809/calling-a-method-from-another-method-in-same-php-class