I'd like to await on a manual reset event with time-out and observing cancellation. I've come up with something like below. The manual reset event object is provided by an API beyond my control. Is there a way to make this happen without taking on and blocking a thread from ThreadPool?
static Task<bool> TaskFromWaitHandle(WaitHandle mre, int timeout, CancellationToken ct)
return Task.Run(() =>
bool s = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { mre, ct.WaitHandle }, timeout) == 0;
return s;
}, ct);
// ...
if (await TaskFromWaitHandle(manualResetEvent, 1000, cts.Token))
// true if event was set
// false if timed out, exception if cancelled
[EDITED] Apparently, it makes sense to use RegisterWaitForSingleObject
. I'll give it a try.